It's been a few weeks since my last post, which is more than I'd like. There just hasn't been much to blog about and I would rather spare y'all from boring blogs about nothing (well, if you didn't enjoy that, you probably would not be reading this blog, but whatever).
Movie Stuff
Anyway, first thing first: "Inception" was just as good as everyone told you. Well, about 99% as good as people told you. The problems that I had with it were minute and totally forgiveable; it's by far the most original movie that I've seen in a long time (read: a few years), though the more that I think about it, the more I realize that it progressed ideas from some of my favorite movies, particularly 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'. These films actually share a lot of the same concepts, with the main difference being that 'Eternal Sunshine' is a romance and 'Inception' is a thriller.
Regardless, 'Inception' has been one of the best films of the year. Definitely an 'A', but not yet an A +. I think it's slipping from 2nd to 3rd on my list of best films this year, which as of yet is:
1. Toy Story 3
2. Shutter Island
3. Inception
4. TiMER.
For me, this has been a great movie year. I've enjoyed almost all of the movies I've seen (though that's probably because I've only seen movies that I expect to enjoy). Still, there have been a lot fewer disappointments for me than other years. I've yet, however, to have a movie stand out to me like 'Up' did last year as my favorite film. 'TiMER' is probably at the top, but that's because something has to be. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing movie, I just need something with an extra pop.
Why is everyone leaving? Within the period of a month I've had about ten friends move to New York and a good number of others go to various places. I'm no stranger to attrition- it's a natural consequence of graduating, and I'm very familiar. It just seems as if there's more people leaving this year than others, and most of them to New York.
It's weird and I'd probably be fine with it if it weren't people that I always kind of expected to be around. That added to my growing feeling that Austin isn't where I'm supposed to be anymore, and I'm getting pretty antsy.
Now hear this- I LOVE THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND IT WILL FOREVER BE MY HOME. I'm pretty sure that Austin is the best place in the world. Just right now... it's like when you really love something, you have to let it go. And I need to go, preferably to LA.
I mean, my family really doesn't want me to go. My mom and grandma make sure to pepper in every conversation the fact that they think it would be a bad decision; not so much as that I couldn't handle it (though Nanny says I'm too trusting) but more that they just want me to be close. I just want to go for a few years at least. I could go for a year and hate it and move back and live happily ever after in Texas (which is kind of my plan on a much shorter scale, anyway) and that would be fine. But I need to get out, and try my hand while I'm young.
You may be sensing a theme in the blog: me going to LA and trying (thought-read that- or verbally read it, if you must- with emphasis on TRYing) to get work in the entertainment industry doing varied jobs. I just figure that there's really only a few more years that I have to go and try. But my family is my biggest support system and I don't want to hurt them/lose that support... it's a conundrum.
Anyway, I've decided to take a stand of sorts and am putting a pin on next year's calendar. I want to move to LA next August. It's about 60 percent right now; I need to get a second job here in Austin to build a big savings before I head out there, not to mention get a LOT more experience before I do. I'm waiting to hear back on a few, but nothing doing. If any of you have suggestions as to what I should do... please let me know.
Things I need: Prayer, more than anything. I want God to be backin me up on this, and I'm pretty positive He is, which is why I'm being so adamant about it. Still, James let's us know that He still wants us to pray and ask and He'll work!
More acting lessons: My acting is gradually coming back and I do think that I'm almost back to what I used to be, but experience is key. Plus, I can only see what I'm doing from my own, albeit hypercritical, viewpoint. I need an outsider who knows what they're doing to help me. One of my strengths is fixing flaws (when I see them as a flaw, which is one of my weaknesses) and teachers always help me find them so that I can eliminate them. If you're reading this and want to help me out there, well, I make some awesome quiches and desserts, we can figure something out.
A second job. Do you know anything I can do? Have suggestions to find things? It has to be in addition to my 8-5 and that complicates a lot of things. But it will work out.
To win the lottery: Hey, a guy can dream!
I know that I'm just a cliche guy with a dream to be a performer, but dang it, this is the only thing that I really want to be doing and I'm gonna go for it. Help is always welcome!
Weight Loss
Hokay, last part of the post: I'm losing weight. Kind of. Here's what I'm doing-
1. Right now, I'm on a diet. I'm eating 1600-1800 calories a day, which is 700-800 less than what I'm technically 'supposed' to be eating. Also, striving to eliminate sodas and very fatty foods (though I broke down and got some Church's Chicken last week- don't judge, you know you can't resist either). Also, I'm buying more beans and leafy greens and lean meats to cook. These are all things I eat normally; I'm actually a relatively healthy eater, I think, but my problem is that I eat too much and don't exercise enough. My diet is more about moderation and frugality (because the less food I eat, especially fast food, the more money I save!).
2. Exercise. I move into my new apartment complex next Sunday and the fitness center/pool are all right downstairs from me. I've got an exercise routine planned and will be doing an hour to an hour and a half of exercise everyday, plus having fun in the pool occasionally. This is the biggest part of my weight loss goals and I'm sticking to it. It's going to be a regular part of my day and I'm prepared for it.
3. HealtheTrim. I know what you're thinking, supplements? *Side-glance-eye-roll* Still, I've been looking at all the ingredients and they're all good things, particularly the dose of green tea. And the results that others have had (particularly the people in the Bobby Bones Weight Loss Challenge) is pretty undeniable. I figure I'm gonna give it a month and if it works, then I'll continue.
That's it for right now. I'm gonna try to post again in the next week, but it's gonna be hectic, what with moving and preparing for the Bobby Bones Name-That-Tune tournament.
Talk to you soon,
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