It's been a few weeks since my last post, which is more than I'd like. There just hasn't been much to blog about and I would rather spare y'all from boring blogs about nothing (well, if you didn't enjoy that, you probably would not be reading this blog, but whatever).
Movie Stuff
Anyway, first thing first: "Inception" was just as good as everyone told you. Well, about 99% as good as people told you. The problems that I had with it were minute and totally forgiveable; it's by far the most original movie that I've seen in a long time (read: a few years), though the more that I think about it, the more I realize that it progressed ideas from some of my favorite movies, particularly 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'. These films actually share a lot of the same concepts, with the main difference being that 'Eternal Sunshine' is a romance and 'Inception' is a thriller.
Regardless, 'Inception' has been one of the best films of the year. Definitely an 'A', but not yet an A +. I think it's slipping from 2nd to 3rd on my list of best films this year, which as of yet is:
1. Toy Story 3
2. Shutter Island
3. Inception
4. TiMER.
For me, this has been a great movie year. I've enjoyed almost all of the movies I've seen (though that's probably because I've only seen movies that I expect to enjoy). Still, there have been a lot fewer disappointments for me than other years. I've yet, however, to have a movie stand out to me like 'Up' did last year as my favorite film. 'TiMER' is probably at the top, but that's because something has to be. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing movie, I just need something with an extra pop.
Why is everyone leaving? Within the period of a month I've had about ten friends move to New York and a good number of others go to various places. I'm no stranger to attrition- it's a natural consequence of graduating, and I'm very familiar. It just seems as if there's more people leaving this year than others, and most of them to New York.
It's weird and I'd probably be fine with it if it weren't people that I always kind of expected to be around. That added to my growing feeling that Austin isn't where I'm supposed to be anymore, and I'm getting pretty antsy.
Now hear this- I LOVE THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND IT WILL FOREVER BE MY HOME. I'm pretty sure that Austin is the best place in the world. Just right now... it's like when you really love something, you have to let it go. And I need to go, preferably to LA.
I mean, my family really doesn't want me to go. My mom and grandma make sure to pepper in every conversation the fact that they think it would be a bad decision; not so much as that I couldn't handle it (though Nanny says I'm too trusting) but more that they just want me to be close. I just want to go for a few years at least. I could go for a year and hate it and move back and live happily ever after in Texas (which is kind of my plan on a much shorter scale, anyway) and that would be fine. But I need to get out, and try my hand while I'm young.
You may be sensing a theme in the blog: me going to LA and trying (thought-read that- or verbally read it, if you must- with emphasis on TRYing) to get work in the entertainment industry doing varied jobs. I just figure that there's really only a few more years that I have to go and try. But my family is my biggest support system and I don't want to hurt them/lose that support... it's a conundrum.
Anyway, I've decided to take a stand of sorts and am putting a pin on next year's calendar. I want to move to LA next August. It's about 60 percent right now; I need to get a second job here in Austin to build a big savings before I head out there, not to mention get a LOT more experience before I do. I'm waiting to hear back on a few, but nothing doing. If any of you have suggestions as to what I should do... please let me know.
Things I need: Prayer, more than anything. I want God to be backin me up on this, and I'm pretty positive He is, which is why I'm being so adamant about it. Still, James let's us know that He still wants us to pray and ask and He'll work!
More acting lessons: My acting is gradually coming back and I do think that I'm almost back to what I used to be, but experience is key. Plus, I can only see what I'm doing from my own, albeit hypercritical, viewpoint. I need an outsider who knows what they're doing to help me. One of my strengths is fixing flaws (when I see them as a flaw, which is one of my weaknesses) and teachers always help me find them so that I can eliminate them. If you're reading this and want to help me out there, well, I make some awesome quiches and desserts, we can figure something out.
A second job. Do you know anything I can do? Have suggestions to find things? It has to be in addition to my 8-5 and that complicates a lot of things. But it will work out.
To win the lottery: Hey, a guy can dream!
I know that I'm just a cliche guy with a dream to be a performer, but dang it, this is the only thing that I really want to be doing and I'm gonna go for it. Help is always welcome!
Weight Loss
Hokay, last part of the post: I'm losing weight. Kind of. Here's what I'm doing-
1. Right now, I'm on a diet. I'm eating 1600-1800 calories a day, which is 700-800 less than what I'm technically 'supposed' to be eating. Also, striving to eliminate sodas and very fatty foods (though I broke down and got some Church's Chicken last week- don't judge, you know you can't resist either). Also, I'm buying more beans and leafy greens and lean meats to cook. These are all things I eat normally; I'm actually a relatively healthy eater, I think, but my problem is that I eat too much and don't exercise enough. My diet is more about moderation and frugality (because the less food I eat, especially fast food, the more money I save!).
2. Exercise. I move into my new apartment complex next Sunday and the fitness center/pool are all right downstairs from me. I've got an exercise routine planned and will be doing an hour to an hour and a half of exercise everyday, plus having fun in the pool occasionally. This is the biggest part of my weight loss goals and I'm sticking to it. It's going to be a regular part of my day and I'm prepared for it.
3. HealtheTrim. I know what you're thinking, supplements? *Side-glance-eye-roll* Still, I've been looking at all the ingredients and they're all good things, particularly the dose of green tea. And the results that others have had (particularly the people in the Bobby Bones Weight Loss Challenge) is pretty undeniable. I figure I'm gonna give it a month and if it works, then I'll continue.
That's it for right now. I'm gonna try to post again in the next week, but it's gonna be hectic, what with moving and preparing for the Bobby Bones Name-That-Tune tournament.
Talk to you soon,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Relationship Wednesday
Let me preface this by saying a few things: 'Relationship Wednesday' is not necessarily going to be a recurring thing, I just liked the title. Also, the point of this blog is for me to come to understand myself and my views on other things more, not for me to brood or talk about being lonely or my own social inadequacy. Though my life is very far from perfect, I have a lot to be thankful for; I'm also of the belief that you don't need someone to live a life that is full.
Having said that, yesterday was just filled with stuff that had to do with relationships and where I'm at in thinking about them, thus the post was born. (Metaphorically, not physically.)
We'll start off with a movie review. I finally got to see 'TiMER', a movie that I've been wanting to see for a long time.
The premise of the film is intriguing; a company has come up with a device (the nominal 'TiMER) that helps you find your soulmate. There are a few caveats, of course- you will only know if the other person is your soulmate if you both have a TiMER, and while you may know your soulmate, it may not necessarily be love at first sight. In comes Oona, played by the wonderfully sardonic Emma Caulfield. Oona's had her TiMER since she was fourteen, and it's completely blank. She takes new boyfriends to get TiMERs and find if they're her 'one' but to no avail, and commiserates with her step-sister Steph, who is not destined to meet her soulmate until she's very late into her life.
Feeling added pressure from her parents, friends while also wondering about time (Oona's about to turn 30), our heroine decides to have a fling with a grocery store clerk that randomly hits on her as she's checking out. Mikey has a TiMER that's counting down for 4 months till he meets his soulmate but he and Oona decide to have fun for a while, at least until they should meet their 'ones'. The result is a very fun and surprisingly insightful look into short term relationships and the notion of 'one true love'.
I really enjoyed this movie, and not just because I identified a lot with Oona. Caulfield, (Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) brings such a believable charm to the role of a Type-A woman who longs deeply for her one but is beginning to see time escaping and wondering if there is even someone out there for her. Oona is played as a no-nonsense, exasperated-but-fun woman and goes beyond being a stereotypical husband hunter; she does long for her one true love but she also has a good living and a great family. It's a great commentary on the social pressure for people to be in relationships.
There were also great turns by Michelle Borth (who I could have sworn was Anne Hathaway) as the acerbic and smart alec Steph, the sister who enjoys helping guys on TiMER countdown "sow their wild oats", and by John Patrick Amedori, who surprised me with the realism, depth and cleverness that he portrayed as Mikey, the slacker musician who falls for Oona.
The film itself was greatly intriguing, challenging, and heart-provoking (it made me think and tugged at my heart. It's a new phrase- use it!) Witty writing added to the film's subtle intensity, always drawing me in with jokes and the occasionally cliche indie-film pretention while simultaneously having lots of depth and truth to the humor. I really enjoyed this movie and am sad that it wasn't promoted further. Grade: A
Also, whilst speaking about relationships, two things:
First, I had a friend on facebook who was overjoyed at the fact that Hawaii vetoed same sex civil unions yesterday. His status ended up having comments mostly consisting of "YES!!!!!1!1111!!!!", which disgusted me on multiple levels (one of which being a lack of typing ability).
The other reason I was disgusted, or rather- disconcerted was the overwhelming joy that he and his friends felt about oppression and the theft of civil rights from people who are in love. I completely understand being in opposition to gay marriage; I don't agree with that stance, but I understand. A few years back (well, in high school) I was all about keeping marriage as God wanted, etc, etc. My faith in God is the most important thing in my life and I am not gonna judge people who want to glorify Him and see this as obeying Him.
Where I get discouraged, however, is with the joy that comes with oppressing. Marriage is a civil right- there are also rights and privileges awarded with that right. For me, personally, considering marriage and its consequences/rights as provided by the government the same thing as marriage defined by the Bible is the most offensive and dangerous thing to Christian marriage there is. What is marriage? Biblically, it's a way for Christians to reflect the love that Christ has for the Church. So if we're going to keep gays from marrying in the states (which, btw, are NOT religious- they're secular), then why are we allowing non-Christians to get married? That's by definition a non-Christian marriage. And divorce? That's definitely not supposed to happen. But did you know that marriages in the Church are more likely to end in divorce than not? We should be focusing on our own marriages and not taking joy away from people (and more importantly, civil rights) simply because they happen to have the same genitals.
I say, let the gays marry. Let them marry and let us as Christians really get into what marriage means for those of us in the Church. It's not going to hurt us, but it is hurting our fellow Americans and that's unacceptable.
So... that turned out to be a rant. Well, a rant and a movie review. I hope you (if anyone reads this) enjoyed it, and feel free to leave comments!
Having said that, yesterday was just filled with stuff that had to do with relationships and where I'm at in thinking about them, thus the post was born. (Metaphorically, not physically.)
We'll start off with a movie review. I finally got to see 'TiMER', a movie that I've been wanting to see for a long time.
The premise of the film is intriguing; a company has come up with a device (the nominal 'TiMER) that helps you find your soulmate. There are a few caveats, of course- you will only know if the other person is your soulmate if you both have a TiMER, and while you may know your soulmate, it may not necessarily be love at first sight. In comes Oona, played by the wonderfully sardonic Emma Caulfield. Oona's had her TiMER since she was fourteen, and it's completely blank. She takes new boyfriends to get TiMERs and find if they're her 'one' but to no avail, and commiserates with her step-sister Steph, who is not destined to meet her soulmate until she's very late into her life.
Feeling added pressure from her parents, friends while also wondering about time (Oona's about to turn 30), our heroine decides to have a fling with a grocery store clerk that randomly hits on her as she's checking out. Mikey has a TiMER that's counting down for 4 months till he meets his soulmate but he and Oona decide to have fun for a while, at least until they should meet their 'ones'. The result is a very fun and surprisingly insightful look into short term relationships and the notion of 'one true love'.
I really enjoyed this movie, and not just because I identified a lot with Oona. Caulfield, (Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) brings such a believable charm to the role of a Type-A woman who longs deeply for her one but is beginning to see time escaping and wondering if there is even someone out there for her. Oona is played as a no-nonsense, exasperated-but-fun woman and goes beyond being a stereotypical husband hunter; she does long for her one true love but she also has a good living and a great family. It's a great commentary on the social pressure for people to be in relationships.
There were also great turns by Michelle Borth (who I could have sworn was Anne Hathaway) as the acerbic and smart alec Steph, the sister who enjoys helping guys on TiMER countdown "sow their wild oats", and by John Patrick Amedori, who surprised me with the realism, depth and cleverness that he portrayed as Mikey, the slacker musician who falls for Oona.
The film itself was greatly intriguing, challenging, and heart-provoking (it made me think and tugged at my heart. It's a new phrase- use it!) Witty writing added to the film's subtle intensity, always drawing me in with jokes and the occasionally cliche indie-film pretention while simultaneously having lots of depth and truth to the humor. I really enjoyed this movie and am sad that it wasn't promoted further. Grade: A
Also, whilst speaking about relationships, two things:
First, I had a friend on facebook who was overjoyed at the fact that Hawaii vetoed same sex civil unions yesterday. His status ended up having comments mostly consisting of "YES!!!!!1!1111!!!!", which disgusted me on multiple levels (one of which being a lack of typing ability).
The other reason I was disgusted, or rather- disconcerted was the overwhelming joy that he and his friends felt about oppression and the theft of civil rights from people who are in love. I completely understand being in opposition to gay marriage; I don't agree with that stance, but I understand. A few years back (well, in high school) I was all about keeping marriage as God wanted, etc, etc. My faith in God is the most important thing in my life and I am not gonna judge people who want to glorify Him and see this as obeying Him.
Where I get discouraged, however, is with the joy that comes with oppressing. Marriage is a civil right- there are also rights and privileges awarded with that right. For me, personally, considering marriage and its consequences/rights as provided by the government the same thing as marriage defined by the Bible is the most offensive and dangerous thing to Christian marriage there is. What is marriage? Biblically, it's a way for Christians to reflect the love that Christ has for the Church. So if we're going to keep gays from marrying in the states (which, btw, are NOT religious- they're secular), then why are we allowing non-Christians to get married? That's by definition a non-Christian marriage. And divorce? That's definitely not supposed to happen. But did you know that marriages in the Church are more likely to end in divorce than not? We should be focusing on our own marriages and not taking joy away from people (and more importantly, civil rights) simply because they happen to have the same genitals.
I say, let the gays marry. Let them marry and let us as Christians really get into what marriage means for those of us in the Church. It's not going to hurt us, but it is hurting our fellow Americans and that's unacceptable.
So... that turned out to be a rant. Well, a rant and a movie review. I hope you (if anyone reads this) enjoyed it, and feel free to leave comments!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Songs Brian Likes, Part 2
I'm also pretty sure that this song is the theme song for my life. Don't know yet if that's a good or bad thing.
Songs Brian Likes
This song ('Not a Day Goes By', written by Stephen Sondheim) has really been hitting me. Love love love love.
I'm the World's Worst Blogger
So it's been about a year since the last time that I made a post on this blog. To be honest, I think that I kind of forgot about this. Between Twitter/Facebook, my online life has been pretty full, and the rest of my life has been no float down the river.
A rundown of the last year:
1. I got a job! I'm employed at UT in Admissions, helping incoming freshmen and transfers with their questions. It's been a great 9 months and I really enjoy the job for right now.
2. Applying to grad school, and God willing that I get in, I want to go to UCLA. I finally got to go to LA with the boys for the Natty Championship (not talking about that) and it was just like I dreamed it would be. Wonderful city and I know it's where I want to be, at least for the next decade.
3. Writing a musical- 'Super Mario Bros: A New *Unauthorized* Musical' with my friend Lindsey. It's gonna be off the chain in so many ways that can't be described as of yet.
That's currently What's Happenin', though this past year has held so much for me. It's been cool for a lot of reasons and nightmarish for others. Mostly it's been a year of balance- I've sought clarity and found it, only to have more questions thrust upon me. I've got to know myself more, only to realize that there's so much that I've still got to learn.
Looking back, a lot of the things that I felt last year still trouble me. It's true that I enjoy my job, though working full time is so much different than everything else I've ever done. It's freeing in some ways and restricting in others. It's definitely nice to have some income (though after my bills and my freaking student loans, it's pretty meager), and great to be responsible for myself. It also makes keeping up relationships and non-work stuff difficult. Working on this musical, trying to hang out with my friends- it's tough! You get up at 6:45, shower, go to work, sit at your desk for 8 hours, go home and want to just pass out on the couch.
And let me tell you this- working 8 hours a day in an air-conditioned room sounds really non-exhausting but this is false to the highest degree. I have no idea why but it drains you to the core. I don't want to do anything when I get home, and that sucks. Ugh. What happened to the Brian who could stay up til 5 in the morning and go to class at 8? I'm 23, dammit, it's not like I'm geriatric or anything. This is why I'm supposed to be rich, so I can work for my parents and not really do anything so I can just go to LA and not worry about loans.
Speaking of LA, it's still my plan. Right now, here's the sitch: As I mentioned, I'm applying to UCLA, USC, Pepperdine, UC Irvine, UCSB and basically any LA school I can find with a graduate Acting degree. This is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I'm not a terrible actor, but I don't have much experience in college (though community theatre credit- I'm a big deal.) :) Still, I'm worried. Anyway, if I get in, I may try to get a job at the school so that I can make bank whilst in classes, but that could be tough. We'll see.
The other option (which I'm increasingly considering) is taking a year off, regardless of whether I get into a school or not, and honing my craft- taking lessons, doing more community productions, getting in great shape and work at a job back home, living with family and not paying bills (except loans, phone, etc) and just saving up money/making big payments to my student loans. This is an attractive option except for a few things:
a.) I'd be away from my friends. This one is actually not as big a deal as the others. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends a lot, but so many of them have become married and/or adults who don't live here or have completely different lives as a result. Plus I'd have my family back home, and it would be great to have a year with them to reconnect and be close with all of them, especially if I'm going to be leaving for LA.
b.) I'd be away from theatre/acting possibilities. Bay City, TX is a great many things, but one thing that they are not is known for theatre/film. In fact, they recently closed the movie theatre there. This is bad as movies are a large part of what makes me happy. Not to mention, seeing as this is what I want to do, it's kind of important to have access to them. A large part of my problem now is that all that I learned in high school has become atrophied from not using it. I've forgotten many of the things I knew about acting and didn't learn more, meaning now I'm catching up/having to relearn stuff. Not fun.
c.) I'd be away from my church. My mom's church is fine, and the ones in Bay City are well and good but I've been fed so much from the Stone and I'm not sure what I would do back in Bay City. It's tough to think where I would go, but it's safe to say that I wouldn't drive to Houston for a church.
d.) Finding a job. Not impossible, but who knows what I'd do? Teach, find a random job?
Eh. Anyway, my dreams are still intact. If anything, this year has confirmed them. I know that there's nothing else I want to do, and that I have to go for it. I'm working hard to make them a reality and they will happen. I heard a line in some play or movie the other day in which they said that dreams 'aren't supposed to happen, because they keep your mind off the present and give you a place to escape'. I find that extremely cynical, which is something coming from me. No, I think that dreams are something you go after and never let out of your sight. Why would you dream about something that you knew you'd never have a chance at? It's fine if you go after it and fail- there's nothing to be ashamed about failing. But never going after your dreams? That's not living!
So I'm going after my dreams. Everything I'm doing right now is with the goal of achieving them in mind.
And they will happen.
As will more blog posts. Now that I have my website ( I'm planning on updating regularly. And hopefully making youtube vids. We shall see.
peace and love,
A rundown of the last year:
1. I got a job! I'm employed at UT in Admissions, helping incoming freshmen and transfers with their questions. It's been a great 9 months and I really enjoy the job for right now.
2. Applying to grad school, and God willing that I get in, I want to go to UCLA. I finally got to go to LA with the boys for the Natty Championship (not talking about that) and it was just like I dreamed it would be. Wonderful city and I know it's where I want to be, at least for the next decade.
3. Writing a musical- 'Super Mario Bros: A New *Unauthorized* Musical' with my friend Lindsey. It's gonna be off the chain in so many ways that can't be described as of yet.
That's currently What's Happenin', though this past year has held so much for me. It's been cool for a lot of reasons and nightmarish for others. Mostly it's been a year of balance- I've sought clarity and found it, only to have more questions thrust upon me. I've got to know myself more, only to realize that there's so much that I've still got to learn.
Looking back, a lot of the things that I felt last year still trouble me. It's true that I enjoy my job, though working full time is so much different than everything else I've ever done. It's freeing in some ways and restricting in others. It's definitely nice to have some income (though after my bills and my freaking student loans, it's pretty meager), and great to be responsible for myself. It also makes keeping up relationships and non-work stuff difficult. Working on this musical, trying to hang out with my friends- it's tough! You get up at 6:45, shower, go to work, sit at your desk for 8 hours, go home and want to just pass out on the couch.
And let me tell you this- working 8 hours a day in an air-conditioned room sounds really non-exhausting but this is false to the highest degree. I have no idea why but it drains you to the core. I don't want to do anything when I get home, and that sucks. Ugh. What happened to the Brian who could stay up til 5 in the morning and go to class at 8? I'm 23, dammit, it's not like I'm geriatric or anything. This is why I'm supposed to be rich, so I can work for my parents and not really do anything so I can just go to LA and not worry about loans.
Speaking of LA, it's still my plan. Right now, here's the sitch: As I mentioned, I'm applying to UCLA, USC, Pepperdine, UC Irvine, UCSB and basically any LA school I can find with a graduate Acting degree. This is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I'm not a terrible actor, but I don't have much experience in college (though community theatre credit- I'm a big deal.) :) Still, I'm worried. Anyway, if I get in, I may try to get a job at the school so that I can make bank whilst in classes, but that could be tough. We'll see.
The other option (which I'm increasingly considering) is taking a year off, regardless of whether I get into a school or not, and honing my craft- taking lessons, doing more community productions, getting in great shape and work at a job back home, living with family and not paying bills (except loans, phone, etc) and just saving up money/making big payments to my student loans. This is an attractive option except for a few things:
a.) I'd be away from my friends. This one is actually not as big a deal as the others. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends a lot, but so many of them have become married and/or adults who don't live here or have completely different lives as a result. Plus I'd have my family back home, and it would be great to have a year with them to reconnect and be close with all of them, especially if I'm going to be leaving for LA.
b.) I'd be away from theatre/acting possibilities. Bay City, TX is a great many things, but one thing that they are not is known for theatre/film. In fact, they recently closed the movie theatre there. This is bad as movies are a large part of what makes me happy. Not to mention, seeing as this is what I want to do, it's kind of important to have access to them. A large part of my problem now is that all that I learned in high school has become atrophied from not using it. I've forgotten many of the things I knew about acting and didn't learn more, meaning now I'm catching up/having to relearn stuff. Not fun.
c.) I'd be away from my church. My mom's church is fine, and the ones in Bay City are well and good but I've been fed so much from the Stone and I'm not sure what I would do back in Bay City. It's tough to think where I would go, but it's safe to say that I wouldn't drive to Houston for a church.
d.) Finding a job. Not impossible, but who knows what I'd do? Teach, find a random job?
Eh. Anyway, my dreams are still intact. If anything, this year has confirmed them. I know that there's nothing else I want to do, and that I have to go for it. I'm working hard to make them a reality and they will happen. I heard a line in some play or movie the other day in which they said that dreams 'aren't supposed to happen, because they keep your mind off the present and give you a place to escape'. I find that extremely cynical, which is something coming from me. No, I think that dreams are something you go after and never let out of your sight. Why would you dream about something that you knew you'd never have a chance at? It's fine if you go after it and fail- there's nothing to be ashamed about failing. But never going after your dreams? That's not living!
So I'm going after my dreams. Everything I'm doing right now is with the goal of achieving them in mind.
And they will happen.
As will more blog posts. Now that I have my website ( I'm planning on updating regularly. And hopefully making youtube vids. We shall see.
peace and love,
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