Friday, January 4, 2008

Waiting on the World To Change

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

There's so much heartache out there. I've had my fair share of it, and I just got off the phone with an old friend who is going through his own time with pain. Now I'm not talking about relationships and teen drama and going steady... silly things like those. :) No, those can certainly be part of it, but I mean an overall sense of sorrow, a pain drilling itself through your essence, making it seem as if the sun will never shine again.

Many things are the cause for this sorrow; the agony, repression, and blatant hatred felt by those subjugated to deplorable conditions in places like Darfur and Burma. A starving child on the street (anyone on the street for that matter), not knowing how you'll pay for rent, the loss of a loved one, the crimes of the world... there are so many things out there that cause such pain and destruction and devastation.

Why do we seek such things? I mean, granted, things like losing a family member or friend to cancer doesn't happen on purpose, but the others... they're caused by human beings. BY PEOPLE. Why? And how is it that some people can't look out on these things and not have their hearts break? How can people look out there and think 'Well at least it's not me'?

Sometimes, I just don't know how to carry on; other people's sorrows seem to weigh me down as well, added on to my own. There's so much suffering out there, and here am I, sitting at my computer typing about how bad I feel because of it.

Doing nothing.

How can we stop this? I know that it will never be stopped completely... the world will not be perfect until Christ is back and who knows when that will be (though that's the point, really). I mean, until that time we're called to be the 'surrogate-Christs' for people. Such a daunting thing, really. I'm having a hard enough time growing in Christ for myself, let alone for others. And that's just it, isn't it? The first step that I have to (and started taking, about a year ago), is living my faith not for myself, but for Christ. You see, He looked to help others first and did it out of His love for His creation. Now I'm no creator, but I am a servant to He That Creates, Who wants me to do as He did.

Still doing nothing.

So I'm failing again, adding more to the sorrow, though my sorrow is gone because of the joy of Christ. Sure, I can get sad, but the joy of the Lord is my strength! I just wish that others could see that. And there, more failure; they don't see it because I'm not showing it.

Great. More nothing.

I can't do it anymore. I can't just sit back and let people suffer when I have such great joy. It's not even that I have the joy; it's that the joy has been given to me.

It all seems to click, doesn't it? At least for me.

Praise God, because He has been showing me so much in the last few years of my life. This blog is not something that's really new, but more of an affirmation of what Christ has shown me last year. This year is about applying it.

My heart aches for my friend, and for many other friends who are paining just as much. It's my personality to want to fix things, but I cannot. God can.

Please, I doubt that anyone reads this, but if you do, and if you are a follower of Christ, I beg of you,

Follow Him with all of your heart, with all earnesty, and with all hope and joy. Keep me to this as well. Pray for those out there who don't know Him, and even those who do, because their sorrow is from His absence.

This has been a long blog, but it's helped me.

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